Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Matthew and PJ.....

So I thought I would post a glimpse into what life is like with Matthew....he had PJ sleepover last night and PJ sang an eight part song filling Matthew in on everything that has been going on at Holy Family since Matthew's departure the Friday before Thanksgiving......I have not laughed so hard in a long time.......

Till next time...

Friday, February 13, 2009

What a week

It is Friday the 13th.....my moms 50th birthday.....and Matthew's 5th day at home sick. He had a flair up of his EE and we have spent the week with him in the bathroom.....he would probably be mad if he knew I was talking about this. I am hoping the naturopathic doc can help us on Monday. He seems to have had this episode as a result of his "cheat day" which just makes em sad. I hate having to tell Matthew that cheat days may not be able to happen because he missed 6 days of school as a result of this. I wish I had a healthy kiddo. I am so happy for the good days and there had been so many...we had not scoped since last July. I fear that another scope is now in our future. Matthew hates his GI and it is a lengthy process to get him into Children's hospital but we are going to start it, he is old enough to have a say in who his doctors are.

We had a major aquarium malfunction this week.....all four of the George's died with in 36 hours of each other. The water tested fine and nothing had changed so who knows, but Matthew was a little sad as he had discovered the George's within days of their arrival into the world at my parents house. And sadly they are now all gone. We are going to go the fish store and find a new batch of cichlids to have in our family. I think we will each pick one.......

Now it is time for me to try and be productive with the day.......and get ready for mom's birthday dinner.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I have to start by saying that I hate EE (Eosiniphilic Esophagitis) for those that don't know........Matthew has been feeling icky for a few days. Monday I had to pick him up from school.....I had to take him to the pediatrician yesterday, they did an xray....yup just as I suspected he was very constipated.....damn disease. So today is clean out day......it took him over one and half hours to get him to drink the medicine...we were both crying, I was pleading with him and finally he drank it. I just hope the first dose gets stuff moving so we do not have to repeat this afternoon. Did I mention that I hate this disease.....I hate that he cannot eat normal foods, I hate that we go through this every couple months and no one seems to know how to fix this damn disease......UGH I am just frustrated today.

On a different note....Hannah and Matthew were quite cute dancing together this morning.

Till next time.....

Friday, February 6, 2009

Family of sickies

So I seem to be the only one in the house that feels healthy. Matthew has had a tummy ache all week, I think it is from his cheat day......Dave and Hannah both have what sounds like a cold. The doctor has me started on prophylactic antibiotics for whooping cough. Mom was sick most of last month.....Hannah has a fever and a cough so she has been tested, but the doctor just wants to treat me just in case. I have not left the house since we went to the doctor on Wednesday. I am getting kinda stir crazy. Wish that translated to a cleaner house.....but nope.....just the opposite...I have done very little house work. Maybe if this stupid migraine would go away......I have had it since last week.

Hannah started her speech therapy on Tuesday, she seemed to have fun...hopefully we will unlock those words of hers soon. It only took six months for Matthew to be in speech therapy so I am hoping Hannah learns just as quick.

Till next time......

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cheat Day

So Matthew was allowed to have a day to eat whatever he wanted......he ended up not sleeping last night because his stomach hurt all night.

I guess if I let him have a day like that again it will be on a Saturday, so he can recover on Sunday.

Hannah woke up with an icky nose today......she keeps sticking her finger into her ear, but does not seem to be in any pain.

Dave started a contract job today....I was looking forward to a day of just Hannah and I and then Matthew was sick......maybe Friday or next week.

I miss having Dave home today...it was really nice to have him home during the day. I guess making money is important....but this is only a three week long job. He will be back home with us before we know it.

Till next time.